Trademark / Brand Name |
Class(es) |
MIRACLE spa and salon |
42 |
MOSCHINO cheap and chic |
25 |
MRF tyres and service |
17 |
MRI auto and a.d.v. tube |
12 |
MUDD day spa and salon |
42 |
N NAISHA wires and cables |
9 |
NASA brain and spine centre |
44 |
NAVRATAN pipe and profile |
6 |
NEFFT plyboards and doors |
19 |
NICIP cold and flu |
5 |
NIRVANA yoga and meditation |
41 |
NSR dry fruits and kirana |
29 |
O&N organic and natural |
29, 30 |
ONE TEN lassi and ice cream |
43 |
OSCAR KT pens and ballpens |
16 |
PARKLAND design and mfg. |
9, 18, 25, 35 |
PARVATI oil and chemicals |
4 |
PIYUSH pure and safe +drop |
32 |
POLO tyres and tubes |
12 |
PRABHAV fresh and pure |
30 |
PRANAYAM silks and sarees |
35 |
PRITAM tea and dry fruits |
30 |
RAJYOG tours and travels |
39 |
RALLIWOLF +wolf and snakes |
7 |
30 |
RATAN MARKA best and fresh |
35 |
RECKON pipes and fittings |
17 |
ROLLMATIC bakery and pastry |
7 |
RS fit and forget +circle |
6 |
SAHIL spa and resort +flowe |
42 |
SAMRAT sweets and dryfruits |
30 |
SANCTUARY hotels and resort |
16 |
SANFORD art and craft |
20 |
SANJIVANI hair and beauty |
41 |
SARAH bags and accessories |
35 |
SATTARI cattle feed and kha |
31 |
SHAHAJI tours and travels |
39 |
SHANTIKUNJ news and feature |
16 |
SHEETAL gajak and kulfi |
29 | click and bano no. |
9 |
SILICON search and systems |
35 |
SMAK cassette and records |
9 |
SSR'S chest and lungs table |
5 |
ST pipes and tubes +arrows |
6 |
STARTERS and more |
16, 29, 30 |
STAT (save time and trouble |
16 |
SUKHLAL kulfi and icecream |
29 |
SUN-V wires and cables +sun |
9 |
SUNCITY health and fitness |
44 |
SUNRISE packers and movers |
39 |
SURYA tiles and pavers +sun |
19 |
SURYA tubes and bulbs |
11 |
SWAG saffron white and gree |
3, 30 |
T TECHMOCAB cable and wires |
9 |
T TRINITY boards and ply |
35 |
TAJ time and jewels +diamon |
14 |
TARA hosiery and textiles |
25 |
TECH CAB cable and wires |
9 |
TELL fluency and beyond |
41 |
THAR ply and board +bird |
19 |
THE PIZZERIA and pasta bar |
29 |
TIMES exhibitions and event |
16 |
TRUE MARIE +cup and saucer |
30 |
TUFFSTONES tiles and pavers |
19 |
TWO ONE TWO bar and grill |
41 |
U.N.I you and i +lines |
25 |
VIMAL vee and corp +plant |
7 |
VIRAL cables and wires |
9 |
VRL packers and movers +arc |
39 |
WEGA MAG pumps and motors |
7 |
WELLWIN health and fitness |
35 |
WELMEC clutch and break |
12 |
WINLAC paints and thinners |
2 |
ZENIL pump and motors |
7 |
away and beyond +aircraft |
39 |
delhi heart and lung +heart |
16 |
eat and enjoy ESSAR |
30 |
fire and ice PICCOLO |
16, 29, 30, 32, 33, 35, 43 |
five and DIME |
34 |
g&g gadgets and gizmos |
41 |
giraf and boy |
5 |
hale and hearty +man & hear |
44 |
hand and knife |
34 |
home and garden life +flowe |
19 |
i and u LOLLY |
32 |
knowledge and management |
35, 36 |
lion and boy |
2 |
lips and tips +woman & oval |
3 |
moon and star |
3 |
nature POWER pure and safe |
32 |
onwards and upwards +eagle |
16 |
peanut butter and jelly |
25 |
pure and pristine +cogwheel |
37 |
GRAVIERA andaaz zara hat ke |
24 |
andaman GOLD |
29 |
andaman HOLIDAYS +ship |
39 |
ADF andavar +motor |
7 |
CARIBOO shopping naya andaz |
7, 21 |
ande ka funda +broken egg |
42 |
45 |